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Gaddings Dam

Address: Gaddings Dam can only be reached by a steep hike uphill, on a rough footpath, to the top of the moors. The nearest vehicle access point is the Shepherd's Rest Inn, Lumbutts Road OL14 6JJ.

Opening times: All the time.


Admission: Free

Detail: Gaddings Dam is an 1833 earth embankment dam, located on top of the moors between Todmorden and Walsden and is now claimed to be the "highest beach in England". It was originally built to supply water to the mills in Lumbutts but became disused when the mills started to use steam power. In 2001, it was at risk of being drained due to disrepair but was instead rescued by locals, who sought to repair it and who continue to maintain it. The site is now enjoyed by visitors wanting a scenic spot to paddle in water and enjoy the surrounding views. 

Wheelchair/Pram friendly: The path up to the Dam is not wheel friendly and is well worn and steep; so good hiking boots should be worn. 


Parking and any fees: Extra care should be taken when parking, as parking is severely limited on Lumbutts Road. There is a small parking area by the gate opposite the Shepherd's Rest, which has room for around 12 calls and is often full. The car park of the Shepherd's Rest is for paying customers only. 


You may be able to park on the moorland side of the road, east of the bend, down the hill a hundred or so metres, beyond the bend, where the road widens enough but you must leave passing places to prevent the road becoming blacked. Do not park on Lumbutts Road west of the Pub (the long straight between drystone walls), as it will block access for buses and emergency vehicles.


On a sunny weekend it is advisable to park in Todmorden and get the the Walsden Circular bus (either the T6 or the T8) to the Shepherd's Rest from Todmorden Bus Station.

Facilities and refreshment options:  There are no facilities or toilets on the walk. Food can be purchased from the Shepherd's Rest Inn or at the Top Brink Inn, which is west of the Shepherd's Rest (OL14 6JB).


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